What should you need about Pterygium?
So you wish to opt for the pterygium surgery. Great! Have you chosen an experienced Pterygium Specialist in NJ ? Perfect. But do you have an idea about the surgery? What is the surgery all about? How does the procedure works? These are some of the common questions that people have regarding the surgery. Let's get started. What is Pterygium? A pterygium is a growth of the mucous or the conjunctiva. The role of the conjunctiva is to cover the white part of your eye which is located over the cornea. This growth of the mucous or the conjunctiva takes the shape of a wedge. Although a pterygium does not lead to any severe issues, the experts at New Jersey Eye Center suggests that it is always better to get it removed. What are the causes that lead to pterygium? The experts at New Jersey Eye Center state that there is no exact cause of pterygium. One major reason that leads to pterygium is exposure to the UV rays. This is common in people who spend most of their time outdoo...