Important tips to remember for safe recovery after cornea surgery
After corneal transplant surgery, most people need to spend a day or two in the hospital. The patients are recommended not to drive for a few weeks after the surgery. Therefore, it is best to make appropriate arrangements with a friend or a family member for a ride home. You will also need to make regular visits to the cornea surgeons or primary care physician for a few weeks for physical examination and tests to ensure corneal transplant surgery’s effectiveness. Your doctor would also recommend some precautions during the recovery period. Following are the important tips for safe recovery after cornea surgery: After the surgery, your eyes will feel some discomfort, and there might be some swelling as well for a few days. Therefore, it is best to avoid rubbing your eyes even though you might feel an itch. It is recommended not to strain your eyes much during the recovery period. Your doctor might recommend wearing a patch on the eyes for a few days for sleeping. Patients should avoid d...