Can you get Lasik if you get corneal scars from contact lenses?
People who wear contact lenses regularly for an extended period may develop some corneal scarring over the years. These scars are usually minimal but can cause damage to your eye’s inner layer of the cornea. If these scars occur deeply, they can create vision problems or irreparable damage to the cornea. Therefore, LASIK is a preferred procedure for people who want to get rid of wearing contact lenses, prevent further corneal scarring, and restore clear vision. Is LASIK a viable option if you have corneal scars? It depends on the severity of the scars. If the scars are minor and have not penetrated deep, affecting the vision, getting LASIK eye surgery in NJ should not be a problem. However, if the scars are deep and severe or causing vision problems, it might not be an ideal approach to get LASIK without consulting with an Ophthalmologist in New Jersey. It is crucial to get a comprehensive eye exam to determine whether you would be an ideal candidate for LASIK or not. If the scars are ...