How does modern and affordable Lasik surgery help improve patients' eyesight?
Dry eyes and irritation at the end of the day from contact lenses and the hassle of carrying around glasses are things of the past. Lasik surgery can work wonders for people tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses. Lasik is a refractive and cost-effective surgery that eliminates the need for contacts and eyewear. As per studies, 80% of patients were satisfied with their Lasik surgery experience. However, Lasik surgery does not come without flaws, and some patients may occasionally require glasses or contacts. In this blog, we will discuss a few main issues that Lasik surgery can help people with: Various eye issues and how Lasik surgery can help improve them. The cornea, located in the front of the eye, is transparent and plays a key role in light refraction. The retina at the back of the eye receives and processes light, allowing us to make sense of what we see. Refractive errors, which blur vision due to a deformed cornea, are a common sign of eye disease. Many people ...