Corneal Diseases - Common Symptoms and Treatment Option
Corneal disease is a serious condition in which a transparent layer in your eye is affected that protects your eyes from bacteria or debris. It can cause blurring, scarring, distortion, clouding or even blindness. The cornea is a transparent tissue at the center and front of the eye. It allows the light to pass through onto the retina. There are three corneal layers - the epithelial layer, the middle layer, and the endothelium. To prevent corneal diseases , it is crucial to visit your ophthalmologist for routine eye examinations. Causes of corneal diseases There are numerous common causes of this condition including, but not limited to the following. Infections such as parasitic diseases, viral keratitis, fungal or bacterial Dystrophies and degenerative corneal disorders Trauma such as abrasions or exposure to toxic chemicals Autoimmune disorders like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or Wegener’s disease Nutritional deficiencies and allergies such as atopic or vern...