How To Prep For Cataract Surgery?

 Cataracts are the condition of the eye where the lens that facilitates our vision ages, thus, clouding our visibility. To treat this condition and correct vision loss, cataract surgery is the safest procedure recommended by many ophthalmologists.

During cataract surgery, the lens in our eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial trans also called intraocular lens or IOS. After a reasonable recovery period, you will see improved results in the form of clear vision, although you may still need to wear glasses when you read.

Cataract surgery may have become a common occurrence among the aging population, but it is still a surgical procedure. Hence, it encourages certain apprehension and doubts from the patients mainly about the cataract surgery cost. So, if you’re planning to schedule your cataract surgery in New Jersey soon, keep the following do's and don'ts in mind for a successful outcome.

Although cataract surgery is a minimally invasive laser procedure, the chances of minor bleeding still remain. Therefore, your ophthalmologist may recommend you to avoid taking Aspirin or any blood clotting medication to prevent any surgical complications.
It is important for you to be physically and mentally prepared for the procedure. Meaning, try to stay relaxed on the day of the procedure. Secondly, you should avoid eating or drinking right before the procedure. Some clinics may even ask you to fast for at least 12 hours before the surgery. Lastly, avoid any makeup especially on the eyes, and even any face creams or lotions if possible.
Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure, but you may still need to stay in the clinic for a few hours after the surgery. So, ensure that you are wearing comfortable clothing and have someone to take you home when you are discharged.
Check with your insurance company, to see if they have an eye vision cost plan. Most insurance companies cover the cost of cataract surgery. Regardless, it’s safe to confirm that you’re covered with your cataract surgery costs.
Most importantly, attend your pre-surgery appointment and clarify any concerns you may have before the procedure with your eye surgeon. Remember, that every case may be different and the general rules of thumb may not be enough precautions.

Dr. Russo and his team of eye specialists at the NJ Eye Center welcome you for a complete eye exam. Consult with our pioneer surgeons and get your vision problems corrected.


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