Dry Macular Degeneration- Know the Symptoms and Causes!

Dry macular degeneration is one of the most common retinal disorders among people who are 50 or more years old. It can lead to thinning of the macula that can, in turn, cause blurry or reduced central vision. You might be wondering what’s macula is. Well, it’s a part of the retina that helps a person to have a clear picture in his direct line of sight. Therefore, it is always advisable not to leave this condition unattended and get immediate treatment for this retinal disorder in NJ or nearby.

This condition may occur in one eye and then start affecting both eyes. With time it can negatively affect your vision and ability to perform daily activities such as reading, driving and recognizing faces, etc. In some people, there is only mild central vision loss, while others can experience severe vision loss.

Early detection of this retinal disorder, getting treatment on time, and self-care measures can help manage dry macular degeneration.

What are the symptoms of dry macular degeneration?

The symptoms of this eye condition usually develop gradually and without pain. However, if you are living in Passaic and notice any of the following macular degeneration signs, schedule an appointment with a retina disorders specialist in Passaic, New Jersey.

Observing the increased blurriness of words while reading

Visual distortions. For example- straight lines appear bent

Reduced central vision in one or both eyes

Feel the need for brighter light while performing any close-up work, such as reading a book

Difficulty adapting to low light levels

The reduced intensity or brightness of colors

Difficulty recognizing people’s faces

Presence of a blind spot in your field of vision

In case dry macular degeneration has affected one eye only, you may not observe any changes in your vision. This is because your good eye may compensate for your weaker one.

When to visit an eye specialist for treatment for this retinal disorder?

It’s important to see your eye doctor in case:

You observe any changes in your central vision

You notice that your ability to see colors and fine detail is impaired.

These changes might be the first signs that indicate you have macular degeneration. This is particularly true if you are 50 or more years old.


The exact cause of dry macular degeneration is unknown. But several research studies indicate that it might result from a combination of heredity and environmental factors. These factors may also include lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, daily diet, etc.

This condition develops slowly as your eyes age. With time, tissue in your macula may become thin and lose cells responsible for giving you clear vision. 

Do not ignore the signs of dry macular degeneration, as it can worsen the condition and lead to another severe type of eye disorder, wet macular degeneration. However, if left untreated, it can cause rapid vision loss. 

Whatever the cause of this condition, it is always best to see a retina disorder specialist near your area.


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