What precautions to follow after corneal transplant surgery?

 Corneal transplant is a surgical procedure designed to replace the damaged layers of the cornea to restore clear vision. Corneal transplant procedures can vary from patient to patient. Some patients may only need a partial-thickness corneal transplant or Endothelial Keratoplasty. However, some patients need a full-thickness corneal transplant where all layers of the cornea are replaced. No matter which type of corneal transplant surgery in Passaic, NJ you have to undergo, you must take great care of your eyes and follow many precautions to minimize the risk of infections for a smooth recovery.

Here are the precautions that patients should follow after a corneal transplant:

After the corneal transplant, patients need to wear an eye pad or plastic shield over their eyes for a few weeks.
Patients may experience some swelling and mild pain following the surgery. Thus, it is recommended to put eye drops prescribed by the eye specialist to reduce swelling and prevent eye infections.
Patients are recommended to completely avoid rubbing their eyes after the transplant as it could damage the cornea. So, even if it would feel itchy, you should not rub your eyes.
Patients also need to protect their eyes from smoke, dust, or other particles that may irritate their eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid such places and wear appropriate eyewear for protection.
Your eyes may feel sensitive to sunlight after the procedure. Thus, it is recommended to wear dark sunglasses.
Patients are also recommended to avoid doing any strenuous exercises, heavy lifting, or participating in any sports such as swimming.
Patients should also be careful not to get any water in their eyes while taking a shower or bath for at least 3-4 weeks.
Patients who have a job that requires a lot of screen time may need to take 2-3 weeks off from work as they must rest their eyes and avoid looking at screens for a few weeks during recovery.
Patients should also avoid driving for a few weeks after the surgery until the eye specialist clears them to drive.

The patients may need to follow these precautions for a few weeks to months, depending on their rate of recovery.

If you need a corneal transplant or any other eye care services, schedule a consultation with the top eye care specialists at our leading Eye Care & Surgery Center in NJ today!


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