How does an ophthalmologist treat cataracts?

Do you know how you see objects through your eyes? It’s when the light passes through a clear lens present in your eyes. The lens is located behind the colored part of your eye, i.e., the iris. This lens is responsible for focusing the light on your eyes. And as a result, your brain and eye start working together to process the information into a picture.

Are you experiencing blurry vision? If so, you may have cataracts. It is best to see an ophthalmologist in New Jersey and get the required treatment for cataracts as soon as possible. 

What is a cataract? 

It’s a condition that develops when the eye lens becomes foggy. And when the lens becomes cloudy, the eye can’t focus light the same way it is focusing through the clear lens. Due to this reason, a person with cataracts experiences blurry vision or difficulty seeing objects. 

Treatment of cataracts-

In case your cataract symptoms are mild, a doctor may only provide a new prescription for glasses or contacts. But he is more likely to recommend cataract surgery when the condition worsens.

Most people prefer waiting for the surgery until a cataract causes severe vision loss and makes it hard for them to perform daily activities. In contrast, others still choose to undergo surgery after they are diagnosed with this condition.

This surgery is often required to treat other eye conditions, such as diabetes-related eye conditions or age-related changes in the retina. If you also suffer from these eye conditions, you can consult an ophthalmologist about this surgery and inquire about the price of cataract surgery. 

Cataract surgery procedure-

Usually, an ophthalmologist or an eye care specialist will check your eyes thoroughly. And if he needs to remove cataracts, he will advise you to go for it.

During cataract surgery, a surgeon will remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear lens through artificial. The lens will be shaped to fit your eyes so you can see things better.

It takes only an hour to remove cataracts. Your surgeon will perform this surgery under local anesthesia. Though you will awake during the surgery, you won’t feel the pain or see how a surgeon performs the procedure.

Do you also wish to undergo this surgery? If so, you can schedule your appointment with an ophthalmologist in New Jersey and consult him about this procedure. 

What to expect after cataract surgery?

It’s common to experience these signs after a day or two of surgery-

Watery eyes


Mild discomfort

Light sensitivity

Blurry vision

Your surgeon may recommend eye drops you need to use for a few weeks after surgery. These drops can help your eyes heal faster and stay protected against infection.

It is advisable to avoid the following for a few weeks after surgery:

Touching your eyes.

Lifting heavy-weight objects.

Bending over.

Doing any activity that can put stress on your eye.

Generally, a person can recover from this surgery within eight weeks. However, some people start performing their daily activities as soon as a day after the cataract surgery.

Is it safe to undergo cataract surgery?

Yes, cataract surgery is safe. It is one of the most frequently performed eye surgeries in the U.S to help people improve their vision. The chances of complications due to this procedure are extremely low. But it is best to see an ophthalmologist and discuss the risks of this procedure along with the cataract surgery price.


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