Is LASIK eye surgery a viable option for you?

LASIK is a cost-effective refractive surgery that uses a laser to treat vision problems that happen due to refractive errors. And when it is said to have a refractive error? It’s when your eyes become unable to bend light properly.

Generally speaking, the light rays must travel through the cornea and lens to help a person see things clearly. The entered light is turned into signals by the retina. And these signals travel to your brain and become images. Unfortunately, refractive errors negatively affect the shape of your cornea. As a result, the light may not be able to bend properly. And when the light does not properly focus on the retina, you can find your vision blurry.

With LASIK eye surgery in NJ, your eye care surgeon can correct your vision by changing the shape of your cornea according to your need. This surgical procedure can improve the way the light rays enter the cornea and focus on your retina. It is commonly used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. 

The primary goal of this eye surgery is to correct your refractive error so that you can enjoy improved vision. It may reduce the necessity to wear spectacles or contact lenses. Some people have observed that they are doing their daily activities without eyeglasses.

Do you suffer from vision problems? If so, consider LASIK surgery. Right? But are you an ideal candidate for this procedure? Continue reading this blog to learn if you can consider this surgery or not!

Who is considered a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery?

A person must meet certain requirements if he wishes to undergo this advanced, cost-effective surgery. Some of these requirements are-

A person should be at least 18 years old or more.

The eye prescription of a person must not have changed much in the previous year.

A person must have a refractive error that can be treated well with this eye surgery.

A candidate should have a thick and healthy cornea in addition to overall good eye health.

A person should have realistic expectations about this eye surgery.

Some people with the following issues are not good candidates for this procedure.

An unstable refractive error

High levels of myopia/hyperopia/astigmatism

Dry eyes

Very thin corneas

Corneal disease

Cone shaped cornea

Advanced stage glaucoma


History of eye infections

Uncontrolled diabetes

In addition to these, pregnant women should also avoid getting this surgery. This is because a woman might experience vision changes during her pregnancy stages. If you are still confused if you are an ideal candidate for LASIK eye surgery in NJ, you can consult an ophthalmologist in New Jersey.

To determine if it is good to undergo this procedure for you, a surgeon will examine your eyes. They will take measurements of your cornea, pupil size, and refractive error. In short, they will check your overall eyes health. In some cases, an eye care provider may even measure the number of tears produced in your eyes. This is usually done to know if you are suffering from dry eye conditions. Whatever an eye specialist does, he/she will guide you in the best possible way about LASIK eye surgery.


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